IDEO's bathroom wall
Inside The Creative Office Culture: Fast Company article on Facebook, IDEO, and Virgin's offices
Chimp's Ambition Statement Projector Wall: To showcase moving text or images that are updated frequently
Jump Associate's office staircase as meeting place: During weekly meetings, leaders stand on the stairs
Harley-Davidson's Empathy wall: Photos of customers, products, and experiences
IDEO's Bathroom Brainstorming wall: encourages employees to find inspiration by brainstorming ideas on the walls of its studios’ restrooms (can also be done through post its)
Soundcloud's Intentional Office Design: Designing space for spontaneity
IDEO's Skillshare: a wall for employees to share crafts and skills
Office Interior Design on a Dorm Room Budget: NYTimes article about designer Brad Sherman's work for Food52 and Casper
Explore other culture levers:
1) Values: Core assumptions and priorities
2) Talent: What organizations look for in new members; how they hire, onboard, incentivize and train employees
3) Power structure: How people obtain, maintain, and lose power; how they give and receive feedback
4) Rituals: Ceremonies, social environment and behaviors, dress codes
5) Ways of Working: The "way we do things around here": norms, the ways organizations respond to problems